error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported: Fix

error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported: Fix

Facing the “error:0308010C: digital envelope routines::unsupported” error can be confusing, mainly if you’re using Node.js version 17 or newer. This error pops up because of changes made in OpenSSL version 3.0, which shows some compatibility problems.

How To Fix error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

The error code “error:0308010C: digital envelope routines::unsupported” usually pops up when Node.js versions 17 or newer clash with OpenSSL version 3.0. This clash creates some ways not supported, showing the error.

Here are some ways suggested by StackOverFlow users that will help you to resolve this issue.

Set the NODE_OPTIONS Environment Variable

To fix this error, you are required to tell Node.js to use an older method of handling security. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. Open the program on your computer called Terminal or Command Prompt.
  2. Go to the folder where your project is saved.
  3. Start your development server by typing a command like this:

Upgrade React Scripts

If you’re using React, updating the react-scripts package could help. Tons of developers have resolved this problem by selecting version 5 or newer of react-scripts. To update, simply run this command:

Don’t fail to restart your development server after the upgrade.

Downgrade Node.js (Not Recommended)

While a rare number of people have selected to go back to using Node.js version 14.18.1 to get around this problem, I recommend against it unless you have no other choice.

Using old versions of Node.js can make your system weak to security problems and generate compatibility problems.


What causes the error?

The error pops up because Node.js version 17 and newer use other OpenSSL versions.

How can we fix error: 0308010C?

You can fix it by changing NODE_OPTIONS, updating react-scripts, or thinking about using an older version of Node.js.

Is error: 0308010C a serious issue?

This error can confuse development, but it comes with solutions that are easy to manage.

Are there any risks in fixing it?

There are not any big risks, but manage for possible problems with creating things work together when trying out fixes.

Read: Fix Error 0x80010135 Path Too Long

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